Tri-Fin Pro 2000 Grit 150mm Performance Finishing Disc

  • Tri-Fin Pro 2000 Grit 150mm Performance Finishing Disc

Tri-Fin Pro 2000 Grit 150mm Performance Finishing Disc

  • £4.10

  • Ex Tax: £3.42

    • Diameter 150mm

      Thickness 2mm

      Grit 2000

          Wet Sanding Foam Performance Disc


          Super soft sanding and polishing with even pressure

          Provide consistent scratch depth and pattern with a better finish

          No damage or over-sanding to treated surfaces

          Super flexible for sanding and polishing on contour or curved surfaces

          Comfortable while sanding and polishing

          Reduce the time on the compound & polishing process

          Washable and reusable for wet or dry sanding

      How to get the best out of the Tri-Fin Disc


          Use a water spray bottle to apply water to the worksurface and the face of the Tri-Fin Pro disc.

          After use spray the face of the disc with water to remove any residue.

          Keep the used discs damp - place the damp disc in a sealable plastic bag